مشروع دعم صغار المنتجين بالقطاع المطري التقليدي ولاية سنار

زيادة الإنتاجية فى القطاع المطرى الزراعى والحيوانى

The Baseline Survey (BLS)


A completion of the project), impact surveys structured in a similar mBaseline Survey (BLS) will be conducted in the project area. At different times during the project life (possibly at the mid-term and at the anner to the BLS will be made and the data collected then can be compared to the baseline data to make an evaluation of the impact the project might have had on the intended beneficiaries.

 The BLS will focus on gathering data related to the indicators identified in the project design document and that are used in the project M&E system. This survey will be contracted to a reputable institution with expertise and experience in social and agricultural survey work.

 Objective: The objective of the BLS is the quantitative and qualitative definition of the current situation of villages, households, and groups who will be affected by the project.

 Geographical area of survey: the 3 localities of Dali&Mazmoum, Abu Hujar and Dinder in Sinnar State.

Output: The collected data from BLS will be statistically and otherwise processed. A Baseline Survey Report will then be prepared containing the systematized results of survey with conclusions and general evaluation of situation in project area in terms of the main indicators covered in the survey.

BLS report itself should be limited to under 40 pages of text with tables, charts, questionnaires and other details included as attachments/annexes to the baseline report.

BLS Survey Methodology

Various methods of data collection will be used and combined to produce a comprehensive understanding of the baseline situation of the project area:

المصدر: Term of reference of Village surveys

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0 تصويتات / 459 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 30 يناير 2012 بواسطة sustainsinnar

ساحة النقاش


Information and data used to select the project villages won admiration in Mzhlh

مشروع دعم صغار المنتجين في القطاع المطري التقليدي في ولاية سنار

مشروع نقل تقانات حديثة لزيادة إنتاج المحصيل الحقلية و الثروة الحيوانية لتحقيق الأمن الغذائي وزيادة دخل السكان الريفيين »


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